Advancing Equity for Women and Girls

Saturday, Oct 19, 9:30-11:30, Tech Trek in the Spotlight

This month’s program is dedicated to the AAUW Tech Trek program and offers an opportunity to meet our 2024 Trekkers. This past July, eight Nevada County middle-school girls attended the week-long AAUW Tech Trek camp at UC Davis where they explored wide-ranging STEM fields. The girls look forward to sharing what they experienced, residing in the UC dorm with other Trekkers from throughout Northern California. 

Megan D’Errico

In addition to the Trekkers’ presentation, we’ve invited Megan D’Errico, Associate Dean of Science and Mathematics, of Sierra College, as our guest speaker.  She holds a PhD from Stanford in Geological and Environmental Studies. Megan will talk about the importance of encouraging girls to explore STEM options and the significance of bridging the gender gap in STEM-related academics and careers. 
The Branch has sponsored girls for Tech Trek since it began in 1998.


Huge thanks to Sierra Tech Guy (David Ball) for sponsoring this program!

Peace Lutheran Church, 828 West Main St, GV

Please note that the Branch is not affiliated with Peace Lutheran Church but rents its event hall for our large and lively monthly.

Saturday, September 21, 2024: Welcome Back Brunch 

Co-Presidents Carol McMillan and Diane Kellegrew presided over the Branch’s first meeting of the year. The meeting was well attended and offered information about the AAUW mission, with a focus on National AAUW Fund fellowships and grants, our Local Scholarship program, and the ever popular, much touted Tech Trek, which will be center stage for the October program.

Co-President Carol McMillan and Co-VP of Programs Bernadette Sylvester

Co-President Diane Kellegrew explains the philanthropic mission of AAUW National and AAUW Nevada County.

Co-VP of Programs Carolyn Feuille, describing some of the coming programs

Attendees were encouraged to explore the many Interest Group displays and consequently gather a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of four prizes, a pair of tickets to the Onyx movie theatre in Nevada City.

Co-President Carol McMillan, Hospitality Chair Catherine Flowers, and VP Membership Vicky Hines, for the raffle drawing

Karen Anderson describes the Branch’s three book groups.


Brief descriptions of future programs were given by Program VPs Bernadette Sylvester and Carolyn Feuille. In place of a regular meeting in December, the Branch offers a celebratory night of fun at Off Broadstreet theater. This December 6 (Friday) evening event looks as though it will sell out, so if you want to attend, you need to purchase your ticket(s) ASAP!

Attendees also had an opportunity to converse with their table mates about their talents and histories, getting better acquainted as a result, and enjoying the camaraderie of being together after a summertime hiatus. 

Oh, and the food was absolutely delicious!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2024, Year’s End Luncheon/Program

The year’s final meeting took place at Miners Foundry, where new officers were installed, committee chairs and appointed officers recognized, and dedicated members acknowledged for their service and commitment. Outgoing President Deb York was honored for her impactful, successful two years at the helm, as was Edi Silverman Award recipient Carolyn Feuille for her commitment and dedicated service.


Named gift honorees were Gretchin Corbin, Peg Fleming, Ann Gould, Karin Quinn, and Bonnie White, pictured below:

Saturday, April 20, 2024, Our Election Process: An Insider’s View

Jan Bedayn, Natalie Adona, & Lynn Forbes

Natalie Adona, Nevada County Clerk Recorder.

On April 20th, the AAUW Branch Meeting hosted a ‘candid conversation’ with Natalie Adona, Nevada County Clerk Recorder, responding to questions posed by League of Women Voters Co-Presidents Jan Bedayn and Lynn Forbes. Since winning the election in 2022, Natalie Adona has worked diligently to create transparency in our local election process. Natalie’s experience and knowledge were on full display as she addressed queries about ballot security, mail-in vs. in-person voting, how votes are tallied, and our county vs. other counties’ demographics.

Sidney Pixley

Prior to this conversation the audience was treated to a lively and impassioned report from Sidney Pixley on her previous year’s participation in Gov Trek. Sidney emphasized the eye-opening aspect of her interactions with women in government positions across the state of CA, the many details involved in putting together a political campaign, and how surprisingly well the Zoom format worked, despite its virtual nature. Sidney impressed us all with her confidence as a public speaker and her commitment to future involvement. She encouraged the Branch to support Gov Trek going forward. 

Co-Presidents of the League of Women Voters, Jan Bedayn and Lynn Forbes

Jan Bedayn

Lynn Forbes

Branch Scrapbook Photos, click here