Why Join AAUW-Nevada County (AAUW-NC)?

Past President Deb York talks about AAUW-NC, what it does, why you should join. Click here to watch the video.

Is equity for women and girls important to you?   Are you passionate about equal rights and equal pay for women and eliminating gender discrimination in the workplace? Do you want to continue learning and discussing issues and ideas?  Do you want to broaden your friendships and have fun doing it? Then AAUW-NC is the group for you.

January 31, 2023: A new member orientation tea was held at Membership VP Deb Cubberley’s home. In addition to being informed of all the various interest groups and activities available to them, new members participated in an icebreaker activity involving raw spaghetti, marshmallows, and string–you can only guess what ensued!


2022: New Member Orientation at the home of Susie Monary-Wilson

2022: New Member Orientation

2022: New Member Orientation

Belonging to AAUW-NC offers members an opportunity to learn about and participate in the goals of equity that are pursued locally and at the national and state levels. The Branch also has its own projects such as Local Scholarships, Tech Trek, and several community service projects. We hold  monthly programs,  some with keynote speakers, some strictly social, and others for fund-raising. We also offer a variety of interest groups that meet regularly to enjoy mutual interests:  hiking, books, world cuisine and more. Application forms  should be downloaded and sent to the AAUW Nevada County Branch address  with a check made out to AAUW-Nev Co Branch. 

  • In joining AAUW-NC as a regular member, you also become a member of the national and state organizations.