Branch President’s Monthly Message

May 2024

President Deb York

As we wind down our time together, I look back and see a lot to celebrate. I began this journey in July of 2022, and I have loved being your President. Together, we have built a vibrant and engaging community of incredible women. When I started, we had been separated by the pandemic for two years, and although many local non-profits struggled to reboot, AAUW Nevada County soared.

I’m so proud of our monthly Branch programs where guests visit and see the camaraderie, energy, and enthusiasm in our members and elect to join us. We have welcomed over fifty new members during this time and have assimilated many into our interest groups and our work with Local Scholarship and Tech Trek.

I hope the spirit of inclusion will continue— always nurture your long-time friendships, and reach out to new people and invite them in. Inclusion is part of our national AAUW priorities, and it has been a key focus of my time as president.

I’m especially proud of our Event Planning team who worked together since August to bring the Fund the Future Gala and the 2023 Tapas & Trivia event. We have exceeded expectations in raising funds to support our programs, and to expand our local scholarship offerings. Forming teams to work on big projects brings our members together; everyone grows when we join hands.

I wish our new Presidents and Board the very best in the coming years.

Thank you for electing me to serve in this role and for the hard work that each of you have done to make our Branch so successful today.

With a grateful heart,
