Great Decisions

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. It’s sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association, which was founded in 1918. The Nevada County AAUW Branch group meets once a month, every 4th Tuesday from 10 to noon. Please contact Susie Monary-Wilson at 530–470-9272 or by email: for more information.

February 2024 topic “NATO,” led by Carol McMillan & Vicky Hines

January 2024, first meeting of the year; topic: “Mideast realignment”

Topics for the current year:

  • Mideast realignment
  • Climate technology
  • Science across borders
  • US-China trade rivalry
  • NATO’s future
  • Understanding Indonesia
  • High Seas treaty
  • Pandemic preparaedness

The 8-session program involves reading the Great Decisions briefing book provided by the Foreign Policy Association, usually about 10 pages per session, meeting in a discussion group to watch a 20-minute DVD featuring an overview by foreign policy expert Jeffrey Morton, PhD, and then discussing the most critical global issues facing America today. We cover one chapter per month.

The cost has been $46, which includes workbook, video, materials shipping costs, as well as room rental.