Lodestone is the Branch’s “go to” source for news, information, photo galleries of special events/meetings, and history. Published from September through June, it is delivered by email to most members (and USPS for those who don’t use email). Sometimes an extra summer issue lets members know what is coming in the fall.
Note: Where Did the Term, Lodestone, Come From?
According to the Lodestone’s former editor, Jonellen Goddard, “The Lodestone title for our newsletter was chosen to symbolize that our branch is located in ‘gold country’, and our newsletter contains the “gold” identifying our value and mission.” In mining (for gold for example), Lode (load) was the mineral being sought. Originally, the mineral was magnetite used for compasses in early England. Stone was the rock surrounding the vein of mineral. Apparently the term Lodestone came in use in Nevada County to identify the area of rock that contained gold veins, or other minerals, when filing for mining claims in valuable mineral-bearing locations.